
Showing posts from October, 2017

Project 1 Reflection Journal

Project 1 was the most complicated project I've ever done. I have never been so lost in my life. Apparently this project has to be part as our Homepage when we do our final homepage at the end of the year. In this project we had to record our self no more than a minute explain who we are, what we do, and what have we learn the the Web Design CTE Academy for our whole 3 year in High School. Obviously since i am a picky person i had to record this video a million times and i am still not happy with my final result however since this project had a due date and a had a limited time i had to improvise. Moving on, once i had my video and i inserted into my website we also how to add pop outs. Now pop outs are images what we had to create or use from the internet and make sure they pop out at the time when they are being call out in my video. For example if i was to say the word "Photo Shop" a image of the Logo of the Program Adobe Photo Shop CS6 would appear in my video and t...

Lab 1 Reflection Journal

This is my first Lab as a Senior on Web Client Programming l. The purpose of lab #1 was to re-create a homepage that will be used for the future of the Web Client Programming website. Pretty much the same thing that we did last year for our Junior year but this time we will improve our homepage and try to make it as professional as possible. Regardless of the excited summer we all had Mrs. Ramirez didn't heisted to start giving us work and start on our first lab. She gave us the assignment to create a  our homepage for this year based off a wire frame that we had only 30 mins to do in class. The wire frame had to include all the basic skills we have learned with CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and JQuery, which none of us are experts at. Also we had to add comments in our Wire-frame on the things we wanted to include and the code that we wanted to do. I tried to do my Wire-frame as nice and neat and clear as I could. I though the I had a pretty good Wire-frame however it could...

Lab 3 Reflection Journal.

In this lab we basically did the same thing that we did in the previous lab that was lab 2. This lab was very confusing and frustrating. We had to do a lot of things like  add a jQuery library that will store all of the JQuery used to re-use it again. I first download it and got all the steps down however adding it in my HTML file was a bit tricky. Nerveless once I got that done i continue to work in completing my lab but once I was done it saw that it wasn't working. There was many complications with this lab and I'm still figuring out how to work with JQuery. However I just hope to don't end up giving up.  JQuery helps use less HTML coding space and that means that I can be able to use many other new features to include in my websites. Even though Lab 3 was an obstacles I learned a lot from it.

Lab 2 Reflection Journal

Lab 2 was basically setting up a normal HTML file with CSS and JavaScript, However it came to our surprise that this was going to be our first time using JQuery.  Mrs Ramirez told us that by adding JQuery, it will make our webpages look better have better speed and have way much storage room. She later kept on telling us how important it is to use external files. It would be much easy for someone  who wanted to go back and edit the code, it would be easier and less troubleshooting with external rather than internal. JQuery will allow it so that the code will have the css properties by identifying the name of the tag. My lab showed you pretty much 4 lines that had my name the lab # and a few details hoe this was my First JQuery lab. I learned a lot and how JQuery can make my lab easy to do by using less code. This lab was very helpful and useful. Hopefully I get to be an expert at it.

Lab 4 Reflection Journal

I was very excited for Lab 4. In this lab we would have a chance to finally use animations in our website. Our task was very easy and i actually understood what we had to do. We had to use our basic knowledge of  Html and CSS to make it look pretty. As well as JavaScript and well JQuery. In this Lab we had to make buttons that will call out the function and do the thing we would want it to do. The main purpose of this Lab is to be able to play with this square that we will make and then as you press each button it will make the square to something CRAZY! For example my first Button will make the Square move to the right then down then to the right and then up and the lastly to the right stopping at the middle. The second Button make my square change the opacity and make it get longer and then shorter and then longer by the sides and then shorter none stop. My third Button will make my square hide and then appear. My fourth Button will make my square transform into a circle a...

WBL #2

On  October 23, 2017 we were told that our second WBL Workshop would be going on, in the CCEC Center which is known as the library. On that day the weather was not so hot so thankfully we didn't have to switch rooms. Basically once we got there we were told to sign in for attendance and grab some hand outs and seat down quietly. However to my surprised as I was taking a seat next to my friends I noticed that we were going to have guest speakers speaking to use because two ladies were standing in front of the room waiting for everyone to settle down. Once everyone got there Mrs. Lopez introduced them and apparently they were here to speak to us about the company they work on and how there are maybe opportunities for us to work with them in order to be able to complete about 30 hours of community service. Once they were done telling us about the amazing things they do and how we could be part of it and be able to improve and change the world, they left and then Mrs. Lopez introduc...

WBL #1

On September 25,2017 we were told that our first WBL Workshop would be going on, in the CCEC Center which is known as the library. On that day as the bell rang to let us know it was the end of period 4 and the begging of period 5, we all meet at the library. We were told to sign in for attendance and then pick up the hang outs in the table and then take a seat. As I took a seat next to my fellow classmates I noticed that this WBL Workshop was going to be conducted by Mrs. Lopez. She was in front of the room waiting for everyone to settle down. Once both of CTE classes students where at the CCEC seated the Workshop started. However many students were complaining on how hot it was up there. So, we grab our belongings and headed downstairs to Mrs. Ramirez's room and that is where the Workshop was held. Basically this Workshop was of importance in letting us know that we need to finish all of our WBL requirements and CTE Academy requirements. We discussed the CTE diploma requirement...