Lab 4 Reflection Journal

I was very excited for Lab 4. In this lab we would have a chance to finally use animations in our website. Our task was very easy and i actually understood what we had to do. We had to use our basic knowledge of  Html and CSS to make it look pretty. As well as JavaScript and well JQuery. In this Lab we had to make buttons that will call out the function and do the thing we would want it to do. The main purpose of this Lab is to be able to play with this square that we will make and then as you press each button it will make the square to something CRAZY!
For example my first Button will make the Square move to the right then down then to the right and then up and the lastly to the right stopping at the middle. The second Button make my square change the opacity and make it get longer and then shorter and then longer by the sides and then shorter none stop. My third Button will make my square hide and then appear. My fourth Button will make my square transform into a circle and lastly my last button will just reset it.     


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