Lab 40

In lab 40 what I had to do was first watch the 27th video to the whole Javascript30 series and then create a website that would include of a transparent box and inside the box, you have some of paper-accordion. However What I did was basically change the background color to two of my favorite colors, red and blue. I then added a thing that moves which looks very interesting on how it scrolls. to the side. In other words, if you can drag until it reached the end.
Overall, this lab was fair and gave us enough practice. I learned a lot of the javaScript30 series video and it made my knowledge of  Html, CSS, JavaScript, And jQuery expand a little more. I had a lot of fun creating this lab even though I encounter some problems, I manage to fix them and learn from my mistakes. But the good thing is the I improve my basic knowledge of JavaScript and CSS.


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