Lab 35

In this lab what I had to do was watch the 22nd video of the javascript30 series. What I did in this lab was write a story about my sister and me. As some words were highlighted over them. Lab 35 was an interesting lab because I had to do a follow along navigation where I have certain highlighted words that will glow when hovered over it and it will take you to a website of that specific word. However, I didn't add no specific website to the words that I highlighted.  I did not find anything hard about this lab it was simple. The writing was the hard part of it cause I didn't know what to write about but the story about me and my sister was something that helped me a lot.
Overall, this lab was fair and gave us enough practice. I learned a lot of the javaScript30 series video and it made my knowledge of  Html, CSS, JavaScript, And jQuery expand a little more. I had a lot of fun creating this lab even though I encounter some problems, I manage to fix them and learn from my mistakes. I hope to do this type of lab again and make the highlighted words work. Overall  I learned something new about Javascript.


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