CTE Career Day Senior Year

The CTE Career Fair is something that happens every year for the junior and senior students in the Web Design and Video Production academies. This fair was mainly hosted for the students in the CTE academy in order for to expand our knowledge on the many careers and opportunities that are available to us. It is very important for us to attend since it could be a great chance for us to meet need people, get recommendations, or even get a paid internship. There were a lot of industry partners that were presented during the fair. What caught my eye more was the army cause they were in there uniforms and surprisingly the company called  "steven Maden" was there and they were explaining that great careers they have for students in college or even in high school. There were also a lot of colleges there like John Jay, Hunter, QCC, City Tech, and much more. I knew a lot of them if not most and they were a great help because they explain a lot of the programs they had and seek and also financial aid. I applied to most of the colleges in the fair so it was good to know more about them. I don't think anything when wrong with this year career fair. What I liked the most of it was that it was held in the gym where is a lot bigger and you were able to hear everyone right and it wasn't too crowded. I feel like if they keep inviting more industry partners and more out of in the state colleges like NYU and hosting this event in the gym, everything will be great. I had a great time with my best friend also and I will never forget this year Career fair at info.  


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