Lab 30 Reflection Journal.

 Lab 30 was the seventeenth video of the whole Javascript30 series and what I have to do for this one was to create some sort of list that has names and that was pretty much it. My webpage was created in the honor of Sam Smith. He is one of my favorite singers and he just came out with a new album called " The Thrill of it All" and in this album he had a lot of songs in which I love hearing too in the train on my way home so I decided to put the names of his songs on this list. It was an interesting lab because it would sort all of the text in alphabetic order, regardless of how you would place the name of the songs, it will always appear in an ABC format.
Overall this lab was fairly simple and easy to complete. The only hard thing of this was having a good picture of sam smith that I could use as my background but I loved the way this Webpage ended up looking and even though it isn't as interactive as other web pages that I have created is another one of my favorites that I have done.


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